Copying iOS assets to an Android project

Posted on 28 Jul 2015 in android, ios, assets, python by Greg E.

If you often have to migrate iOS applications to Android, you find that copying over the image assets can be a time consuming, tedious, and error prone chore. Here's a better way to deal with it....


Using Hardware Layers for Complex Animations

Posted on 02 Jul 2015 in android, performance, animations by Greg E.

The Android property animation system allows you to easily create fancy animations. But sometimes these more complex animations may stutter or jank.

The key is that there is a difference between hardware acceleration and hardware layers. Here's why, and what to do about it....


Beware Play Services Permissions

Posted on 27 May 2015 in android, play-services, permissions by Greg E.

I needed to use the new Location Settings Dialog in an app recently. But it came with an unexpected cost.

In addition to the latest Play Services library immediately putting your app over the dex limit, it also silently includes some nasty permissions. Here's how to deal with it....


Tracking Selected Item in RecyclerView

Posted on 03 Mar 2015 in android, java, recyclerview by Greg E.

The RecyclerView widget is the next generation ListView for presenting a list (or grid) of items. It is more lightweight and flexible than ListView, but also therefore requires more application code to craft it to do specifically what's needed.

This post describes one such example, where the application must take care of tracking a 'selected item' in the list because the RecyclerView doesn't do that like the ListView did....


Use a custom ProGuard build with Gradle

Posted on 11 Jan 2015 in android, gradle, proguard by Greg E.

ProGuard is a minifier and obfuscator for Android code. It is an essential step of the process to publish you app to the Play Store. But what happens if you run into a bug in ProGuard itself? Fortunately, ProGuard is open source and you can run your own patched build. Here's how....